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October 12, 2023

Fostering Brilliance

Dear UTS Community,

This week has been a difficult one for our school community, and we continue to focus on the needs of our students, staff and families. At this time, I want to provide both thoughts and an update. 

Thank You

Words are often imperfect conveyors of sentiment and thought, and whilst I strive to be an effective and thoughtful communicator, I also value knowing if and when I can do better. I am grateful to those in our community who reached out with grace to provide feedback on the message I sent out on Tuesday. 

Security for Tomorrow

We are aware of media reports indicating that Hamas has called for supporters worldwide to participate in a "day of mobilization" against the Jewish community. 

We have been in contact with University of Toronto Campus Security who are working closely with Toronto Police Services. We are advised that there is no credible threat to Toronto at this point in time, but we will continue to monitor the situation. Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, located across from UTS, will be closed on Friday, as will Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School which is situated inside the Centre. UTS will remain open as usual. If the situation changes, we will notify families immediately. 

Out of an abundance of caution and care, we will have security guards on our Huron and Washington Street entrances tomorrow during the school day. U of T is increasing security across the campus, and is aware of our particular needs as a high school. We understand some students may elect to stay home tomorrow, and we support each family's decision.

Support for Students

We know we have students who are fearful for their own or their family’s safety. We know we have students who are fearful for the safety of others. We also know many students are struggling simply to process the violent images and stories that continue to flood social media. We are working to support the needs of any student who is struggling. 

Community Support Circles will be held on Monday (M3-S6) and Tuesday (F1-F2) over lunchtime. These sessions are a space for all students to process what they are feeling or wanting to find ways to support friends. Mr. Kollins, Dr. Tavares and our social work team will be on hand. We will also use these sessions to identify if there are other specific needs still to be addressed.  

Individual support is also available for any student, and parents are encouraged to reach out to social.work.staff@utschools.ca if you are worried about your child’s wellbeing. 

Education Planned

Dr. Tavares and I met today with the Social Justice Committee, as well as students whose families are impacted by what is happening in Israel and Gaza to talk about the need for ongoing education around Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and the complex political history of the region. We are in touch with Karen Mock from U of T’s University College and other anti-hate experts. As part of our ongoing AEDI work, we are committed to ensuring that our community better understands the roots and impact of Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other manifestations of hate. This work, including professional learning for our staff, will be ongoing and our commitment will be embedded in the school’s Strategic Plan. 

Social Media Caution

As adults, it is imperative that we are extra vigilant with our children’s consumption of and participation on social media. There are images of unspeakable acts of terror, and their circulation is both intentional and targeted. In addition, online discussion boards, including those many of our students participate on outside of UTS, are rapidly filling with hate speech. Please remember that online communications outside of the school impact our community inside the school. We strongly encourage you to keep your child off social media platforms that are disseminating hateful rhetoric or harmful images. Your child should not be participating in online conversations that are uninformed and hurtful to others. 

Questions or Concerns

If there is anything you or your family need or would like to share, please let me know. We are stronger together than alone, and together as a community we will continue to work in the service of our children. 

Dr. Leanne Foster
UTS Principal

UTS Calendar

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Late Start - October 17

Please note there will be a late start on October 17.

Period 1 will begin at 10:30 a.m.

AP Exam Registration Portal

M4 to S6 students can now use this portal to register for AP exams.

As a reminder for students enrolled in courses that end in -P (ie. SBI4UP), AP exam registration is mandatory.

Registration for AP exams closes on October 27. Invoices for exams will be sent in November directly to guardians.

See these two resources for more details: How many APs is right for me?, General AP FAQs.

Reach out to apexams@utschools.ca with any questions.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Reflection - UTS Social Work

On September 29, UTS dedicated an entire day of learning to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Jesse Wente, an inspirational Indigenous broadcaster, speaker and writer, spoke with us. One part of Jesse’s speech that stood out was the idea that it is not enough to be allies - we should become accomplices. It resonated with us that, while it is important to learn and stand by Indigenous peoples as we work towards Truth and Reconciliation, it is also important for us to put in the work alongside them.

For more information on Jesse’s work and to see some of his speeches, you can check out this website that showcases some of his talks.

UTS Language Exchange Program

Attention all F2 and M3 students interested in participating in the nine-week reciprocal exchange program to France, Spain, Switzerland or Germany during the 2024-25 academic year, as well as F2 to S6 students interested in summer exchanges: there will be an online information meeting for parents and students on Tuesday, November 7 from 5 to 6 p.m. 

The meeting will be hosted by a representative from International Student Exchanges - Ontario. If you would like to attend this meeting or to receive more information, please RSVP to Mme Shayan through this Google Form so that she can send you the Google Meet invitation/link.

Swim Team Sign Up

The UTS swim season starts in November. Interested students from F1 to S6 can sign up using the link sent to their inboxes.

Foundation students must be able to swim at least one stroke; high school students must be able to swim at least two strokes.

Foundation swim is currently a recreational swim program only. High school is a competitive program.

Sign-ups close on October 24.

October Lunch Menus

We offer two daily lunch ordering options. Please find the daily options for October lunches here.

Please find the Zero-Waste options here.

F1 Organization Workshop

F1s are invited to attend a second Organization Workshop on Wednesday, October 18 at lunch in Room 135 run by Ms. Marcella, one of our Student Success Teachers.

It will focus on organizing email, Google Drive and Classroom materials.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to catherine.wachter@utschools.ca.

Flu and COVID Boosters Vaccination Clinics

As respiratory illnesses are on the rise, Public Health strongly recommends getting your flu and COVID booster shots.

Starting October 25, you can book your appointments via this portal. These vaccines will also be available at your local pharmacy and your family doctor.

Check out the UTS Shop

The UTS Shop is open! Enjoy this cozy time of year in full UTS style. Stay dry with a UTS umbrella, keep warm with a UTS toque, and more!

Visit the UTS Shop today!

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