November 9, 2023

Fostering Brilliance

If I told you that your child could complete homework in less time with a higher level of accuracy, would you be interested in learning how? Interested? Keep reading and then get ready to have a sit-down talk with your child.

UTS students do so much: planning and preparing for numerous extracurriculars, exploring their own learning interests outside of school, and completing the homework required for the academically challenging UTS curriculum. With all that going on, you might think they are naturally excellent multitaskers, seamlessly shifting from one task to the next with ease or even doing multiple tasks simultaneously.  

Unfortunately, that’s not true, because multitasking is a myth. No one is good at it, because there is no such thing.

Read more.

AP Exam Payment Due

On-time AP exam registration is now closed. On Tuesday, November 14, parents will be able to access invoices and pay for exams using the Parent Portal.  

Payments are due November 24. Late payments will be subject to additional fees (AP Fee Overview 2023-24).

Families are encouraged to ensure the invoices match the exams their students want to write (students will only be registered for AP exams appearing on the invoice).

Contact with any questions or concerns.

UTS Events & Co-Curricular Calendars

Holiday Concert Date Change

Please note that the Holiday Concert will now be taking place on Monday, December 18 at 6 p.m. in the Withrow Auditorium. This was previously advertised as Tuesday, December 19 but needed to be moved.

Please ensure you update your calendars.

November Lunch Menus

We offer two daily lunch ordering options. Please find the daily options for November lunches here including the list of ingredients.

Please find the Zero-Waste options here.

Volunteers Needed for Fulford Debate

UTS is hosting the Fulford International Debate on January 13, 2024.

As part of this experience, UTS is looking for 50 volunteers to help judge the debates and provide feedback to the participants.

By signing up for this role, you will be asked to have Vulnerable Sector Screening as this volunteer position works directly with students.

Sign up with this form.

UTSPA General Meeting

Just a reminder, the UTSPA General Meeting is on November 15, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room, and all parents and guardians are welcome to attend.

Ruth Goba, Former Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission will lead a conversation about the history of Human Rights in Ontario, which is informed by the UTS Panorama survey data on student feelings of belonging.

Bring your questions for this engaging session about the relationship between belonging and student success.

RSVP online, today!

UTS House Store

Just a reminder. The UTS House Store is still open to purchase House Merchandise!

Hats, joggers and hoodies are available. Please note the online store will be open until November 14.

So let’s gear up for the holidays and get your purchases mailed directly to your homes.

Here is the link to the UTS House Store. Don’t wait, get them while quantities last!

Check out the UTS Shop

The UTS Shop is open! Enjoy this cozy time of year in full UTS style. Stay dry with a UTS umbrella, keep warm with a UTS toque, and more!

Visit the UTS Shop today!

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November 16, 2023


November 2, 2023