October 26, 2023

Fostering Brilliance

Last Saturday’s Open House was another “first” for me in my inaugural year of discovery as the wonders of UTS continue to unfold before my very eyes. Watching more than 2,200 parents and prospective students explore our space, seeing the skill, passion and achievement of our students and staff on full display – it was truly a sight to behold. 

As Principal, I think it’s important to ensure prospective families understand who we are, as a school, what we stand for and what we hope prospective families will bring to our community, should they choose to join us. I always like to remind families that the Admissions process is a two-way conversation: we are getting to know them, and they are getting to know us. There is no one school that is right for every student, and it is incumbent upon families to do their homework, determine the “goodness of fit” between their child and each prospective school, and perhaps most importantly, their family’s comfort with a school’s values.

My message to prospective families was clear. UTS is a school for students who have a passion for knowledge, who can manage an accelerated pace, who thrive in a busy school environment and who often self-extend their learning. This doesn’t mean all our students are the same. Far from it. Our students are diverse in who they are but share this hard to describe but you know it when you see it ‘spark’ that ignites curiosity wherever they go. 

I also reminded prospective families and particularly prospective students that we don’t want them to be perfect. In fact, the pressure of perfectionism ultimately detracts from high performance and is often born out of an internal anxious voice that says, “You’re not good enough. Soon, everyone will know.” Perfectionism needs to be replaced with a growth mindset – the compassionate voice that says, “You didn’t achieve your goal….yet. Keep trying. Keep growing. Be patient.” Parents need to model and encourage this in their children because the voice of failure and shame does incredible damage in the long run. Parents need to partner with us to help manage the incredible pressure exceptionally bright students often place on themselves because of the negative impact of this pressure on the individual student but also the school culture, which undermines achievement and mental wellness for all. 

Finally, I explained to prospective families that our school is deeply committed to AEDI, the work we do around anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion. These are non-negotiables for our community. There is no opting out of compassion, kindness and our desire to foster a sense of belonging for all. There is a requirement that we all engage in our school’s work on Truth and Reconciliation, on homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, class discrimination – sadly the list of what we must educate about and fight against is long but it is work that is required. Families who want to join our community need to understand that individual academic success at all costs or believing that academics alone are the focus of our program is not the model we support. 

We are a community that encourages and teaches our students to be leaders to have brave conversations that allow for an exploration of difference within a relationship of deep respect. The world is an increasingly divided place, and our message to prospective families is clear: UTS must be a refuge from a world of increasing division, a home where students can strengthen their voice and develop the resilience, knowledge and skills to lead in a more just society. For prospective families who are like-minded, we say welcome. 

UTS Calendar

On-Time AP Exam Registration Closes Friday

M4-S6 students can now use this portal to register for AP exams.

As a reminder - for students enrolled in courses that end in P (ie. SBI4UP), AP exam registration is mandatory.

Registration for AP exams closes on October 27. Invoices for exams will be sent in November directly to guardians.

See these 2 resources for more details: How many APs is right for me?, General AP FAQs.

Reach out to apexams@utschools.ca with any questions.

Financial Assistance/Bursary Applications 2024-25 Returning Students

This is a friendly reminder that applications for returning student bursaries for the 2024-25 school year are due by October 31. If you have not yet completed your application, please do so by the deadline.

Please visit Apple Financial Services and complete your application.

F1/F2 Service Saturday

We look forward to welcoming our F1s and F2s for Service Saturday this Saturday! 

Reminder for students to arrive at 10:15 a.m. (doors will be locked until then) at the Living Lane Entrance. F1s will sign-in in the Fleck Atrium and F2s will sign-in in the Jackman Theatre.  The day ends at 2:30 p.m. and we ask students to bring snacks, water (pizza lunch served) and markers.

Also, a reminder that we will be also collecting non-perishable items for the Bethany Church Food Bank. Items to donate are appreciated: Rice, pasta, tomato sauce, tuna, soup, peanut butter, cereal, anything that people have in their own homes that are non-perishable.

November Lunch Menus

We offer two daily lunch ordering options. Please find the daily options for November lunches here including the list of ingredients.

Please find the Zero-Waste options here.

Photo Packages

Caregivers have been emailed as packages arrive at the Main Office. 

Retake photos have also arrived. Your child can pick them up Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Main Office.

Upcoming F1 Workshops

Student Services will be hosting four more F1 workshops over the next two months.

F1s are invited to explore and get support for time management (Nov 1), study skills (Nov 15), note-taking strategies (Dec 6), and focus and prioritizing (Dec 13).

All sessions will be held at lunch in Room 132. Questions? Email catherine.wachter@utschools.ca, or kelly.marcella@utschools.ca.

Therapy Dogs Initiative with F1 Students

UTS is excited to be taking part in a research initiative with One Health Partners to investigate if an animal-assisted mental health and wellness interactive information session increases the likelihood of students to engage with the health services offered at UTS. 

All F1 students will be invited to participate. The mental health and wellness team will introduce themselves and lead a brief discussion about the services and resources available at UTS. For students who are unable to engage with therapy animals, alternative arrangements will be provided. 

Sessions will begin in mid-November.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Marleen at marleen.constantin@utschools.ca or Adi at adi.sood@utschools.ca.  

S6 Parents Night

Fiona and Tina, your S6 grade representatives, would like to invite you to our 2023 S6 Parents Social at UTS.
Date: Thursday Nov 2
Time: 6:30- 8:30 p.m.
Location: Multi-Purpose Room on L1
Address: 371 Bloor Street West
We hope you can join us to meet other S6 parents and members from the UTS Administration. Soft drinks and appetizers will be provided.
Please RSVP using this form.

Postsecondary Application Updates

S6 families are reminded that early action/early decision U.S. applications must be submitted by the student (through the Common Application or college portal) by the posted institutional deadline (typically November 1).

Ontario and out of province applications are now available.

This year, U of T has a suggested priority deadline of November 7 although students who apply after that date will not be disadvantaged..

Please note that our suggested (internal) deadline for Ontario/Canadian applications is November 27.

The firm deadline for Ontario applications is January 15, 2024.

UTS Language Exchange Program

Attention all F2 and M3 students interested in participating in the nine-week reciprocal exchange program to France, Spain, Switzerland or Germany during the 2024-25 academic year, as well as F2 to S6 students interested in summer exchanges: there will be an online information meeting for parents and students on Tuesday, November 7 from 5 to 6 p.m. 

The meeting will be hosted by a representative from International Student Exchanges - Ontario. If you would like to attend this meeting or to receive more information, please RSVP to Mme Shayan through this Google Form so that she can send you the Google Meet invitation/link.

UTSPA General Meeting

As parents of UTS students, you are invited to attend the University of Toronto Schools Parents Association (UTSPA) General Meeting on November 15, which will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

This General Meeting will build on last fall’s Courageous Conversations panel, which will discuss how UTS can build a culture of belonging.

Join us for this informative in-person session.

Build Your Own Air Purifier Workshop

On behalf of UTSPA, the Sustainability Committee is planning a DIY workshop for parents and students on building your own air purifier, or Corsi-Rosenthal box.

Click here to indicate your interest in this workshop; participants will be responsible for purchasing their own supplies (you will be given more information on what you will need, and the cost of parts for air purifiers can range from $80 to $190 per unit). 

You will have the opportunity to have guided instruction on how to build your own purifier with other UTS families, and receive valuable information about indoor air quality.

Webinar: Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence Among Teens

Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) refers to acts of harm based on one’s gender, gender identity, gender expression, or perceived gender that are carried out using technology (e.g., text message, social media, GPS tracking).

Young Canadians are experiencing severe impacts and challenges related to TFGBV, yet it is not always clear what the best practices are for responding to these harms, and it is often difficult to determine what resources are readily available to support young people in various regions.

This webinar explores what we (don’t) know about TFGBV and discuss some of the emerging best practices for supporting young people in Canada.

Discussion topics include:  existing gaps in the research on TFGBV in Canada, and how experts in the areas of digital media, education, law, and criminology are working to fill these gaps. 

This free webinar happens on November 14, 1:00-2:30 p.m. 

Further details and registration info.

Talking with Young People about the War in Gaza And Israel

Processing thoughts and feelings related to current events in the Middle East can be challenging for adults and young people alike.

This article summarizes several key insights from researchers about the ways parents and caregivers can talk with young people about the current humanitarian crisis.

If you have any questions about the well-being of your teen, the social work team welcomes hearing from you.

Support UTS Students Today

You will have received our Board Chair, Peter Buzzi's letter this week, sharing his compelling story of being a UTS bursary recipient and how the UTS community supported him.

You can help current students who, like Peter did, also face financial challenges by making your donation today!

Provide more students with opportunities!

Check out the UTS Shop

The UTS Shop is open! Enjoy this cozy time of year in full UTS style. Stay dry with a UTS umbrella, keep warm with a UTS toque, and more!

Visit the UTS Shop today!

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